Sunday, January 23, 2011

Long Due Update #1: My Puppy!

Ok I’m going to do several updates as different blog posts to keep the length down, so read back to the previous posts if you want to know what I’ve been doing for the last 3 months :)

Well it’s been a looong time since I updated my blog (sorry!) but I’m getting to it now finally :) So the last time I update was… November, right after I got my puppy. Yikes! Weelll my puppy is much bigger now than when I first got her. We went to a *real* vet about 5 weeks ago and had her checked over, and she’s in good health, and today we have to go get another round of puppy vaccines, and I’m excited to see how much she weighs now. She weighed 15.7 pounds before and I’m betting she’s around 20 now. I got her better dog food (Pedigree) since the last vet visit and she loves it, plus it supposedly is much healthier for her, so she’s gotten bigger without getting fatter. She’s definitely bigger than max now, has lots of energy and is very happy.
Last weekend we went to Puerto Lopez, a nearby beach, with another volunteer, and I decided to take Dali to see what she thought of the beach. She loooooved it! The getting there part was pretty difficult and she vomited (again!) in my host family’s car, but did okay in the buses. Once we got to the beach she was just so relaxed and happy! She really enjoys digging in sand now (there’s some sand outside my house and she’s always making holes), so she loved having so much sand to play with. And at one point I took her on a little jog along the beach and made her run into the water a little. She was surprised and she doesn’t like getting wet, but in the end she was running into the water by herself some :) There weren’t a lot of dogs so I let her run free some, and the dogs she did encounter were very playful. She also played some fetch and just enjoyed lying round and exploring. After awhile I decided to get into the water all the way to swim some, and she came to the water’s edge with me. She started to follow me but didn’t want to get too wet so she would run in and when the waves came in she ran back out. But she started getting very distressed as I went further out and decided to follow me, so she started jumping high above the waves and following me in. Then a big wave came and knocked her down, rolling her over, so I ran over and picked her up – she was pretty panicked haha. But that didn’t keep her away from the water, so I think she really did enjoy it :) The next day she again got in the water and ran along the surf, just so happy and free. It was hard taking her away from the beach since I could tell how happy she was there!
Since we’ve been back she’s back to her normal self – a lot of attention seeking behaviors, lots of barking, etc. but we’ve had several “playdates” with a neighbor dog that have kept her entertained. There’s a puppy about 3 months older than her that lives a few houses down, and previously said puppy was always tied up in the front of their house, but now the owners decided it’s big enough to run on its own, so they’ve let it loose. It always wanted to play with Dali before and I usually stopped to pet it, so one day it came to my house and I decided to let it into the yard to play with Dali. At first Dali wasn’t happy with another dog coming into her territory but it didn’t take long for her to be excited and play. The puppy stayed for about 3 hours that day, they chased and wrestled until they were both exhausted. Then it came back a couple days later and only stayed a short time (they were getting on my nerves). Dali is the dominant one, even though the older puppy is significantly bigger than her, and the other puppy is afraid of her. So when Dali got too aggressive in their playing, the other puppy would run and get under my legs, no matter if I was cooking or working or whatever, so I got annoyed and decided I’d had enough for the day. But it’s a sweet puppy and Dali loves having another dog to play with since Max doesn’t play at all.
Here’s a newer picture of my baby for you all to see how much bigger she is!

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